Austin Lawler

I have been writing for years because I need to. When you see nothing but chaos and untruth one must try and straighten it out, somehow. Writing does this for me and hopefully sharing my writing will offer the same clarity for others.

I went to Dartington College of Arts, ostensibly to further enhance my acting and directing skills but on this journey I discovered a love and ability for writing.

I’ll be uploading several published plays to this website, some were performed at the Royal Shakespeare Company, Stratford upon Avon, England and some in various pubs, clubs, village halls and theatres around the world.

After college my journey really began as a stand-up comedian working the stages of London trying to earn a living. It is this experience that provides the backdrop to my first novel, ‘The Shoreditch Exhibition’“, published in 2022 by Roaringwater Books.

Photo of Austin lawler writer
Austin Lawler - Shoreditch Exhibition Book

Latest book

The Shoreditch Exhibition is a novel set in the creative cauldron of Shoreditch, London where artistic ambition and professional jealousy lead to tragic consequences. A witty expose of what can happen in the name of Art.

Read more about The Shoreditch Exhibition

Recent blog posts

  • Today my debut novel, The Shoreditch Exhibition, is officially published by Roaringwater Books and is available on Amazon.

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